you decided to hug BPD. it kisses your forehead tells you that it loves you before slowly vanishing, leaving behind half a heart.

+ half of a heart
even on its own, the half heart beats, filling you with warmth.
you hear a voice, its a girl crying loudly. follow it?

HP : 25
just as you're getting closer to the voice, a monster gets in your way!
its a small, timid little bunny. shaking and crying.
"don't hurt me, don't hurt me!" it begs.
you decided to kiss TRAUMA and tell it that it's going to be okay, you're here to protect it now.
it jumps into your arms and gives you half a heart.

+ full heart
its beating even stronger now, making you feel safe.

+ a new friend!
it's still scared, but it feels much safer with you

you decided to attack TRAUMA.
it screams, spurting black goo onto you. it envelops your entire body.
you feel contaminated and disgusting all over, desperately you begin to claw at your own skin to get rid of it, but the dirty feeling will never leave you.

just as you begin to feel exhausted and the urge to give up. a timid girl with cat ears and a tail appears before you, sniffling and wiping tears from her eyes.

you hug her and tell her it's all going to be okay now.
it's going to be okay and you're always gonna be here for her.
shes speechless, but offers you a weak smile.

she says that she trusts you and loves you more than anything.
you promise to protect her and never leave her side. she believes you.

you gift her the worn bunny plush you've been holding in your inventory.
she lets out a soft squeal of joy and hugs you. she promises to be with you forever.